Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I'm a huge animal lover as most of you know, and I can't even imagine life without pets....especially my dogs! They are such a great addition to the family. We always have so much fun with the dogs and I worry about any of them passing away as B has known nothing but the Great Danes ever since he was born. They are his partners in crime, his playtime pals, his horses when he's playing cowboy, and his pillow when he's chillin' out. For me they are my bestest best friends, (They don't care if I'm in a foul mood...they still give me kisses!) they are my security system, (I haven't locked my house in years!), and they are my companions that give my life that little extra smile and warmth! What more could you want! (Actually I want them to eat less and poop smaller...but I think that's stretching it! LOL)

Besides the dogs we have the coolest cat known to man named Brighton! I am not a cat person at all, but this cat acts like a dog! He greets everyone at the door...including complete strangers, wants love and affection 24/7, and comes when he's called! :D We also have 2 goats that are a complete riot to hang out with, and 2 sheep that are the cliche "dumb" sheep, but super sweet and super cute!

Anyways, we have fun here on the Riddle farm and I wouldn't want it any other way! The only thing I feel we're lacking is a horse, and a Cockatoo! :D
So do any of you have pets?


Holly said...

So, you don't lock your house huh? If you find anything missing...I am innocent...I swear:)
By way of pets...we have none! Damon is extreeeeemly allergic to cats, and I don't feel the need to pick up any extra poo if I don't have to. No pets for us, and we are 100% fine with that:o)

Bar L. said...

These photos are the greatest! Your dogs are beautiful - I can't imagine a life without pets!

Anonymous said...

We had two black nubian goats. I got them to eat the grass on the meadow so I wouldn't have to mow it. Instead, they ate the side of my house, the brake lines on my truck, all of my wifes flowers and plants. I gave them to a farmer who had lots of goats, and I see them every day now on the way to work when I drive by their pasture. The farmer promised me he wouldn't sell them to the Mexicans to eat, and he has kept his word. I miss them but not the damage they did! You have more animals than I do, though I would not have thought that possible!

crazy4danes said...

Holly- I hear you...some people just don't want to deal with the "mess" that comes along with owning animals! :)

Layla- Thank you! Pets are great!

Hermit- I hear you on the destruction of the goats!!! The don't eat the grass or weeds..the sheep do that! They try to eat everything including the siding on the barn! If they weren't so cute and so much fun we would have gotten rid of them too!

PS...Mexis ask all the time if they can have our goats!!!!

Salt H2O said...

I find it funny that a germophobe has so many pets!

crazy4danes said...

Kory- I am an educated germaphobe...there are hardly any diseases or "germs" that you can catch from dogs, except I do give my sheep and goats culinary water and not irrigation water so I don't have to worry about B getting Coccidhia from their feces...anyways...probably TMI! :D