Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Safety!

So it's summer and we all want to get out and enjoy the sun with our families and that includes our Great Danes. But let's talk about heat stroke for a moment. Your Great Dane has a short coat that is not very dense, leaving it very susceptible to hyper and hypothermia. So for this, they do not make a good outside dog. But since it's summer let's talk about hyperthermia, or heat stroke.

Unfortunately our Danes and all dogs in general, don't know when enough is enough outside in the hot sun, at least not until it's too late. So as the owner, we are responsible to monitor their exercise and fun in the sun. And being a larger dog, heat stroke can come on even faster than a smaller dog. Even in 80 degree weather, your Dane could suffer heat stroke. Signs include excessive panting, wide eyes, a thick "glue" like drool, rapid heart rate, staggering, and even vomiting. If any of these signs are displayed it's time to cool your dog off! Avoid using really cold water, as this will close capillaries necessary to vent heat from your dog, so hose them or sponge them down with cool water, and get cool water to the mouth and throat area. Take them into shade immediately or an air conditioned house or car. Do not allow them to drink too much water as this can cause stomach discomfort and vomiting, and even bloat. Small amounts of cool water every few minutes is fine. If your dog still seems in distress take his temperature rectally. It's always good to have one of these thermometers handy if you intend to be outdoors a lot with your Dane, and always remember to take one camping or hiking. Normal temperature is between 101 and 102 degrees..even 2 or 3 degrees higher than this can be serious, so if efforts to cool your Dane down are not working, take him to the vet immediately.

Remember too that it is never a good decision to leave any dog in a car while you run in somewhere, even if it's just for a few minutes. This is really a no no for Danes because of their size. Their large body mass adds to the heat of the small surroundings of a car and can actually help to raise the temperature even faster. Leaving windows down is not going to help your Dane stay cool either, so just don't take your dog with you in the summer to run errands. Your Dane will thank you!

So I hope everyone will be safe out there this summer and enjoy some fun with your Danes while keeping them comfortable and safe too! If you have any questions, or any concerns with your Dane after signs of heat stroke, please make sure you call your vet.


angelsroy33 said...

Thank you so much for reiterating all this, ESPECIALLY about leaving your Danes in the car NO MATTER HOW SHORT A TIME IT IS. I would say this no matter what kind of dog/animal it is. DON'T DO IT. (I am storing all this info up for when I get a Dane.) Thanks again for being so informative. I can't get enough.

crazy4danes said...

Angelsroy- Thank you...and you are absolutely right! Your comments are appreciated! :)

Bar L. said...

I dont' have a Dane and would never leave my dog in the car...this is very helpful into because some people think a few minutes is ok.

good post :)

crazy4danes said...

Barbara- Thanks! I hope people are smart enough to know all this on there own, but I'm afraid they don't!

Anonymous said...

I know all about heat stroke, and not just with dogs! I'm sure that is what will eventually do me in when I'm working at my place and the heat and humidity are up.

crazy4danes said...

Hermit- I don't know how you do it! I cannot stand makes the heat so unbearable!!! At least we have a nice dry heat out here.